Monday, September 30, 2019
Film Analysis: “The Help”
Vickie Intro To Communications Dr. Nikki Hodgson March 25, 2013 Film Analysis â€Å"The Help†How did people use non-verbals to communicate their status and identities in The Help? (e. g. : artifacts used by wealthy/poor, language tones/volume, dress codes, appearance, rituals, etc. ) The lines between black and white are clearly delineated by more than color in this film.While the socialite white women, even on routine days for mundane activities, dress in pretty pressed dresses, manicured nails, stiffly styled hair, and nice jewelry (reminds me of June Cleaver), the maids must wear identical uniforms, have severe hairstyles, and little or no jewelry. Their greatest possession is the purse they carry†¦ this seems to be of great importance, especially to Yule Mae when she is arrested. The maids are disallowed to speak in company unless it involves serving of some kind and must always address white folks with â€Å"sir†, â€Å"ma’am†, or â€Å"missâ⠂¬ .The maids must submit to white authority in all things (for fear of job loss or worse) and keep their voices low and calm in order to avoid tension or stress. And sassing (verbal and nonverbal) is a punishable offense as seen when Minny uses Hilly’s bathroom during the storm. Hilly could not care less about Minny’s safety in going outside during the dangerous storm, but rather is more concerned about how â€Å"clean†her toilet remains. There are many facial expressions and body postures that convey status/identity as well as artifacts.Hilly’s consistently raised chin and haughty expression mark her as quite self-important and the self-appointed leader of the socialites. Conversely, the maids (with the exception of Minny) keep their eyes down, if not their heads, hands to their sides, unless working, and maintain a social distance (more than 4 or 5 feet) from white people. Skeeter and Celia are the two white exceptions since they both accept the blac k women as equals and treat them with respect and kindness. Can prejudice and discrimination be expressed nonverbally? How? Provide examples from The Help when prejudice and discrimination was expressed nonverbally.One of the physical ways used in this movie to express prejudice is the use of hand gestures by Hilly. She flicks her hand in an upward motion when she orders Minny to cut a slice of pie for Mrs. Walters. The wicked facial expression indicates her hate of the black woman, especially because of her refusal to obey an order. There were several instances when Skeeter was speaking with one of the maids and one of the Junior League women caught her that they reflected their disapproval and distaste for so personal an interaction between a white and a black person.A painful expression is worn by Aibileen as she is forced to overhear Hilly’s insulting speech about the need for separate bathrooms. Not only does the hurt show on Aibileen’s face but she also hides in the hallway rather than have to be present during the conversation, as if she should be ashamed of her skin. Another example, this one involving white rejecting white, is when Celia shows up at Elizabeth’s during the bridge club luncheon. Not only do they refuse to answer the door but make a half-hearted attempt to hide from her when she comes to the window.They are giggling, covering their mouths with their fingers (as if this is a grand joke or oh, so cute), and you can overhear rude remarks about her desperation and obvious lack of social etiquette. One last example was in the grocery store at the end of the movie. Aibileen and Minny are shopping, walking down the aisle side by side with their carts. However, when a white woman approaches Aibileen it is made clear that she is to move aside and let the white woman pass, which she does with an apologetic look and hanging of her head (as if she were ashamed for having been in the way).Give me an example of someone in The Help whose nonverbal behavior was insulting, ridiculing, or demeaning to others. Which character was not insulting or demeaning to others? Explain. There are more variations of prejudice in this movie than just between races. One of the painful moments, at least for me, was when Celia Foote shows up, uninvited, to the bridge club luncheon at Elizabeths house. Pie in hand, she is hoping to make friends and finally be included in the social circle of Jackson.However, at Hilly’s urging, the entire group â€Å"hides†and is â€Å"shushed†in a poor attempt to evade Celia, who is considered an outcast because of where she came from and how she grew up (poor). Celia’s face, when she realizes what is happening, is painful to see and as she comes up out of the flower bed, her short attempt to be brave dissolves into tears. I believe where Celia came from and how she grew up gives her a greater compassion and understanding of the maids’ lives.She seems childlik e in her acceptance of them and is ignorant of â€Å"proper social etiquette†. She simply takes them as they are, respects them as human beings and fellow women, and bestows care and affection generously. She is also open-minded concerning Hilly’s behavior and tries to shed a kinder light on why there is conflict between them, even after the luncheon debacle. Have you ever made a prejudgement about someone because of their nonverbals? If so, provide an example. Anyone who says they have never prejudged another person is lying.It is, unfortunately, in our nature to judge others, especially when we think we are better than they are. Most of the time we are wrong, but, once in awhile, we get it right. I was hired at The Home Depot in Kansas several years ago as a cashier. Shortly after I finished my training and was put on the register another woman, about my age, came out of training and joined me up front. She, like me, was an extrovert and seemed happy and friendly, co axing confidences out of all of us. Particularly me, since we shared (or at least I thought we did) a common faith.It wasn’t until later that I found out she was not only cheating on a husband and using a boyfriend for free shelter and food, she was also a liar and a backstabber. She had been telling others things we had shared in confidence, with a little embellishment for good measure. My mistake was giving her credit for being a good person because of her clean appearance, she was well-dressed and accessorized, she had a winning smile and bubbly laughter, and seemed so open with her life and beliefs. She cemented these nonverbals with proclamations of sincerity and Christian values.I suffered some very embarrassing moments over my misjudgment. Have you ever had a negative nonverbal experience? Tell me about it. It was Wednesday choir practice and I was sitting with the director’s wife on the front row waiting for rehearsal to begin. Her husband was on stage arrangin g his music and making small talk with us. I responded to one of his quips with a â€Å"cute†, and I though humorous, quip of my own. I found out immediately that she didn’t appreciate my comment and perceived it as a â€Å"territorial dispute†(him being the territory! when she stomped on my foot with extreme force (I limped for a couple days) and growled in my face, â€Å"He’s mine! †I was stunned and I’m sure it registered on my face. However, she was unapologetic and stomped away. I was mortified since we were not the only people in the auditorium. Clearly, she communicated her anger, resentment, disgust, and an unspoken threat to keep my hands off her property (since I didn’t like him, my thought was she’d be the only one who’d have him anyway). Explain the differences in the usage of proximity between the two cultures in the movie.While the white socialites observed white rules of space (hugging, sitting close, to uching, etc, though it is stiff and emotionless) the blacks were not allowed to engage white people this way. There was a social distance maintained, unless children were involved. The maids would stand a distance of more than 4 or 5 feet away from white people and wait to be commanded. It was rather humorous to me that the white women didn’t want the maids to touch their utensils, cups, dishes, skin, toilets, etc. ut were entirely at peace with them cooking (handling food), laundering (the clothes touched by blacks then touched their bodies), and mothering the children. Even when Skeeter goes to Aibileen’s own house, Aibileen has a difficult time sitting in Skeeter’s presence (she finally ends up sitting on the arm of a chair, the furthest place away from Skeeter) and, for a time, continues to act as if she’s waiting on the white woman. As we see the intimate times in Aibie’s house between she, Skeeter, and Minny, it becomes clear that the black p eople share space much more than whites do.They touch one another, hug firmly (as opposed to a light, meaningless embrace), laugh loudly, and have much more passion in life than their white employers. Define culture shock. The friendships created between Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny broke societal rules during the 1960’s in Mississippi. How did people react when the secret friendships were revealed? Did people experience culture shock? Explain. Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes.There was an uproar, socially, about Skeeter’s relationship with the two maids. People were incensed that she would debase herself, her family, and her race in this way (by fraternizing with â€Å"the enemy†). However, as people began to read the book, I believe they were faced with the choice of what to do with this knowledge. The stories in the book revealed the truth about what happens behind the scenes to the black women that serve white families and raise white children. Many of these stories, I’m sure, were ugly, painful, and humiliating.Once everyone knows the truth, each person must choose how to deal with that truth. This creates a type of culture shock. Some, like Skeeter’s mama, chose to support her and confess fault. Others, like Stuart, openly denied the truth or validity of Skeeter’s stance and ended their relationship. Hilly is very obviously divided within herself when Aibileen asks her, â€Å"Aren’t you tired Miss Hilly? Aren’t you tired? †I think she meant tired of holding on to an outdated way of thinking, fighting the tides of change, and being such a sad, lonely, mean person. 8. How did Skeeter deal with cultural tension between both cultures? Provide an example. a. Skeeter started out the same way all the other young women did. The daughter of wealthy, respectable white families, and raised by a black nanny/maid. Upon arriving home from college, she integrates herself back into society by attending the various meeting, luncheons, and bridge club dates. However, as she sees and hears the ugly, supremacist treatment of The Help, she begins to bite back at her friends, though small at first.The initial example of this is at bridge club when Hilly is discussing her ‘Home Health Sanitation Initiative’ and Skeeter finally busts out with, â€Å"Maybe we should build YOU a bathroom outside, Hilly! †As her incense grows, Skeeter begins to form friendships with the maids Aibileen and Minny in a hope to write a book and thereby, maybe, right a wrong. She lies about her conversation in the kitchen with Yule Mae and intentionally plays a joke on Hilly with the toilets on the lawn. These are Skeeter’s little ways of dealing with the racial situation she finds herself in.I was a bit disappointed in the indirect ways she chose to â€Å"voice†her disapproval but it was a dangerous time for black sympathizers as well as the blacks themselves. 9. Did the more powerful societal group in The Help establish the rules for communication? How? a. The power group, the white women, certainly set the rules on how, when, where, and to whom the maids could interact. Fear was the crux of their power. The maids chafed under the supreme rule of the white yet they were powerless to do anything about it or they would lose their jobs and be blacklisted. Or worse, imprisoned or killed.Because of white supremacy sentiments and Jim Crow laws, blacks could be mob-lynched (killed by hanging or dragging) for the smallest of infractions, even if they were imagined. So, the black women only voiced their feelings to one another, in private, and even then they whispered. Otherwise, they kept their heads down, did their work, and tolerated the abuse. Times have changed how we communicate with others. How can you improve your intercultural communicat ion skills? Provide examples. a. One of the biggest obstacles to accepting and positively interacting with an other person is a closed-minded attitude.We must first be willing to accept the fact that our own way of thinking, believing, and doing things is not the only right way. So, an open-minded approach is always best when communicating with others. Another way to hone good skills is to look for ways to positively interact with others, especially those with whom you do not share a common culture. Volunteer work, random acts of kindness, being openly friendly, making eye contact, smiling, and even attempts at vocal niceties can open many avenues to deeper, more meaningful experiences.Get involved with the community. I had many opportunities to interact with Hispanic people during spring break while volunteering at the Parks & Recreation Center. One other thing that occurred to me (and has for some time) is to learn their language. This can be applied to more than just a foreign la nguage, like Spanish. A language can be any nonverbal code (touch, time, distance, body language, artifacts), dialect, or jargon. All of these can give valuable information in order to communicate more effectively and with respect and equality.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Role of Leadership in Emplyee Performance
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Volvo. 2 NO. 5; August 2012 Impact of Leadership Development on Employees' Performance (Case Study: Employees of Customs Headquarters) DRP. Java Merriam Department of Public Management, Gavin Branch Islamic Cad University, Gavin, Iran DRP.Mohammad Their Organization Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer , Iran Shirring Ensnare Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer, Iran Baton Samuelsson Postgraduate of Business Management Panama- Mourn university, Tehran Share Ray unit and Educational Services Expert in university of Safaris, Iran Abstract Objective: The present survey has been conducted to study the â€Å"role of leadership development on employees' performance in Customs headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran†.Methodology: Descriptive-correlation method was used in this survey and the statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters equal to six-hundred seventy eight (678) persons. Sample volume was selected through random class sampling method that was equal to two-hundred fifty (250) persons. Questionnaire was used to collect the required data and data analysis was accomplished using Inferential statistics tests such as Pierson correlation coefficient and step by step regression analysis in addition to descriptive statistics Indexes such as mean and standard deviation.Findings: Findings reveal that there Is a significant and positive relationship among leadership development and Its dimensions with employees' performance. Conclusion: It Is concluded that authorization, education and development and empowerment have the highest impact on employees performance respectively. Key words: leadership development, coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making, authorization, performance Introduction Leadership Is a mysterious process that has been considered similarl y by common people, scientists and researchers since the far past.It Is one of the major five tasks of managers In some guidance texts. Leadership meaner art of Influencing the subordinates so that they conduct pre-determined castles In the framework of certain purposes voluntarily and eagerly (Swahili Shrine, 1995: 15-19). It seems that human relations, his action would be led to satisfaction and improvement of employees' performance automatically. Today governmental and private organizations intend to enhance their service quality and this won't be fulfilled unless with a good management, suitable leadership and moving towards knowledge and technology advancement (Regain, 2005: 230-247). 54 O Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA www. Cabinet. Com As utilizing employees' abilities is not possible without effective leadership existence of leadership as the driving factor in employees' motivation, creating perspectives, enhancing employees' capability, education and development of the org anizational roses and compiling purposes and programs are very important to obtain organizational objectives (Moravia, 2009).Major task of Customs as one of the governmental organizations is to control imports and exports legally in order to get duties, preventing to import non-standard and unhygienic products, regulating importation and exportation of some products to regulate the internal market and etc.Violating the above cases would be led to social and cultural abnormalities in addition to their harmful impacts on the internal production and economic stagnation through changing the culture and taste of consumers towards nonstandard and smuggled products and creates disorientation in the economic system by dominance of foreign manufacturers on the internal markets and increases unemployment and the related problems.Since accurate and effective implementation of Customs' regulations and avoiding the above problems has a direct relationship with Customs' leadership and performance of its employees as economic frontiers of the country it is intended in the present survey to answer the following questions given to the above issues. Is there any relationship between leadership development and employees' performance in Customs headquarters in Iran? Is there any relationship among leadership development dimensions and employees' performance? Which dimension of leadership development has the highest impact on employees' performance?Research literature Leadership Leadership is the ability to encourage others to try eagerly in order to obtain certain purposes (Davis, 2010: 423). It is a process in which management of the organization tries to facilitate his tasks to fulfill organizational purposes by creating motivation and an effective relation and encourages employees to conduct their tasks eagerly and enthusiastically (Alvin, 1996: 137-138). Leadership development: past, present and future Leadership development is enhancement of abilities and creating perspectiv e for motivating and directing of individuals towards determined purposes.It includes components such as education and development, participation of individuals in decision-making, coaching, Job empowerment and authorization (Lowlier, Gold Smith & Karate, 2005). Leadership development has obtained achievements in two previous decades among which we can refer increasing of management development methods and coordination among the management and ore popular increasingly and causes more studies to be focused on leadership competencies and problems regarding non-coordination in working affairs and life (Werner-Brome & Hughes, 2009).Leadership development at work environment Nowadays innovators represent skills and techniques regarding leadership development through methods such as educational programs and coaching and apply them in real issues. People could obtain important skills by combining such directions and real commercial conditions and thus it is possible for organizations to fi nd important, synchronous and related issues and deal with them. Finally purpose of leadership development includes action not knowledge.Therefore, leadership development at present meaner providing learning opportunities for people through work not keeping them aloof from the work environment and obliging them to learning. Moreover, the best experience of organizations is to find out the leadership role as a key factor in all Job levels and that they are committed to create effective leaders across their organizations. Developing more individual and better leaders is not the only focusing point of leadership development although this issue is still very important.Leadership is increasingly defined in a way that it is not Just related to leader's acts rather it is a process which creates a new generation of leaders and effective relations that their focus is on leaders and colleagues' interaction (La]Verdi, 2011). Organizational performance Organizational performance is obtaining or ganizational and social purposes or going beyond them and conducting responsibilities undertaken by people (Heresy and Blanchard, 1996: 504). 55 Research hypotheses Primary hypothesis There is a relationship between leadership development and employees' performance. Secondary hypotheses 1- There is a allegations between coaching and employees' performance. 2- There is a relationship between education and development and employees' performance. 3- There is a relationship between empowerment and employees' performance. 4- There is a relationship between participation in decision-making and employees' performance. 5- There is a relationship between authorization and employees' performance.Conceptual model of the survey In this survey leadership development and its dimensions (coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making and authorization) are regarded as independent rabbles and performance is regarded as dependent variable. Leadership development C oaching Performance Education and development Participation in decision-making Authorization Research methodology The present survey was conducted using descriptive- correlation method. Statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters in 2011.Volume of the statistical population was equal to 678 persons among which 386 persons were male and 292 persons were female. Sample volume was determined equal to 250 persons using Creakier and Morgan table and relative class sampling method was used. Therefore, portion of each class (male and female employees) was first calculated in the statistical population and the same ratio was observed in the sample too. Statistical sample of employees contains 142 males and 108 females by gender separation.Two researcher self-made questionnaires were used for leadership development and performance to collect the required data. Although these questionnaires were standard and normalized, views of advisor and guiding professors were review ed to determine validity of the questionnaires. Cockroach alpha coefficients of leadership development and employees' performance questionnaires ware equal to 0. 89 and 0. 86 respectively which illustrated high reliability of both questionnaires. Results were analyzed through SPAS software.Analyzing results As variables under study follow normal distribution Pierson correlation coefficient is used in this survey to study the relationship among variables. Secondary hypotheses Hypothesis 1: HO: there is no positive relationship between coaching and employees' performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between coaching and employees' performance. 156 Table 1- Pierson correlation coefficient between coaching and employees' reference Correlation between coaching and employees' performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 76 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) P;O. OOI Result Significantpositive Given to results of table (1) because the calculated amount for Pierson corre lation coefficient is significant at level a = 0. 01 it is inferred that hypothesis HO regarding nonexistence of relation is rejected by 99% confidence and hypothesis HI regarding existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 2: HO: there is no positive relationship between education and development and employees' performance.HI: there is a positive relationship between education and development and employees' performance. Table 2- Pierson correlation coefficient between education and development and employees' performance Correlation between education and development and employees' performance Pierson Given to results of table (2) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 3: HO: there is no positive relationship between empowerment and employees' performance.HI : there is a positive relationship between empowerment and employees' performance. Table 3- Pierson correla tion coefficient between empowerment and employees' performance Correlation between empowerment and employees' performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 469 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) P
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cultural Interactions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural Interactions - Essay Example This is not like most of the music around today, except perhaps in churches, but some gospel music has similar single voice to the chants, along with a chorus in the background which can echo the main voice. Most popular music has multiple kinds of instrumental accompaniment, and so it sounds completely different, with a lot of additional material beyond the main melody lines. The use of Latin recalls a long history of religious faith, and this reminds me of the musical â€Å"Evita†where at least one song has sections of Latin and this draws a parallel with the virgin Mary. The portrayal of the human figure in the Early Classical period (480 BCE) is rather stiff and lifeless. The male nudes, for examples, just appear as if they are stuck on to a fixed and flat background, and they are only intended to be viewed from the front. In the High Classical period (450-430 BCE) statues are made with the weight shifted to give the figure an impression of moving in one or other direction in space. There is also a striving after the perfect human body shape, and that is why so many sculptures are made of fine physical specimens of me, like warriors and athletes. In the Late Classical period (430-323 BCE) curves and sensuality are emphasized more, and there is also a focus on women as well as men. It is surprising how modern the people look, and this is partly because of the realism of the sculptures, and partly because modern ideas of male beauty have not changed very much: muscles are still fashionable and regarded as beautiful in men. The women look different fr om our ideal of supermodels, since they are heavier and have elaborate plaited hairstyles but they are still attractive, and indeed look much healthier than modern ideals of female beauty. Plato’s allegory of the cave is quite complex because it gives both a visual image and a verbal argument to illustrate deep concepts about how people come to know about
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Management concepts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Management concepts - Assignment Example This guarantees high returns for the corporate or organization because there is no manual work force required besides machines are much faster than a person’s memory. This technique reduces time spent during manufacturing process besides increasing output speed hence resulting to increased production. In this way, when the jobs are well scheduled their execution is at almost the same time besides being mapped to the processing unit after they are done. Moreover, some factors such as absenteeism alter productivity in case they are common besides if the company has a flat rate output of sixty-two computers in a day it simply means that it is not an effect of workers not being present. Besides, quality problems may not have much impact on production, as they are capable of making sixty-four repairs in a day. Cheating on size or content of some goods or products is among the common unethical business acts practiced by many corporates (Mandal, 2010). This refers to deception in advertisement whereby a product is made to appear much better or bigger that its exact quality size. By doing this, the corporate proofs not to be adhering to the ethical principle of being honesty (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2010). Honesty entails maintaining morality in all actions and communications. This principle calls for the business owners not to deceive or else mislead their clients by either providing them with partial truths and overstatements among other vices about their goods or services. This is because upon realizing the clients may lose trust on the company’s products, hence cease buying from them. As the CEO, I will ensure honesty is paramount by briefing my staffs who draft advertisements that they should be taking the actual pictures of the item intended to be advertised and include it s mass as well as dimensions. Through this act, my clients will have a clear picture of my products besides which will make them build some trust on the corporates products. Copying
Thursday, September 26, 2019
A Counter Claim to the Malthusian Theory on Food Production Research Paper
A Counter Claim to the Malthusian Theory on Food Production - Research Paper Example Malthus argues that the society needs to act to prevent such a thing from happening to the human race. He therefore states that people should be encouraged to come up with systems and practices that will ensure that population growth is checked (Malthus 72). He proposes 'positive' population growth checks like increase in death rate and preventive checks like low birth rate (Malthus 72). Although his argument might have been relevant in his time and might still be relevant in this generation, there are many flaws in his argument that are going be explored in this paper. This is in line with the connection of Malthus' ideas with modern day societies, particularly the societies most at risk of the claims he made – the developing world. This paper argues that Malthus' theory is NOT relevant to today's society because there are many ways that the problem of he raises can be dealt with in our modern era. The paper makes a claim that developing countries are NOT at risk of extinctio n or harmful practices because of population growth. Rather, developing countries today can maintain a steady population growth with corresponding improvements in technology, national structures and global interdependency. With these arguments, the paper seeks to prove that the threats of population growth are not applicable to today's society. Critique of Malthus' Position In the book, An Essay on the Principle of Population Malthus drew the attention of Britain and Europe to the dangers of population growth. It was in line with what became known as the Malthus Iron Laws which suggests that when population increases, there will be a large supply of labor and employers will exploit workers by offering lower wages, thereby increasing poverty. To an extent, I agree with this in the present world, because in a nation like China, wages are extremely low because there is a high population and there are no wage regulation laws (Cooke 152). However, this claim puts the independence of Malt hus into question. Right after the claim of the Iron Wage Laws come into prominence, Malthus comes up with this theory that population grows geometrically and food production grows exponentially? Was he writing this essay on the basis of empirical facts, or was he just being pessimistic to put fear into the people of Britain so that they controlled the population. Before Malthus wrote this book, there was no official census in Britain. It was this book that Malthus wrote which made Britain begin to count its people in 1800, two years after Malthus wrote this book (Davey XX). This suggests that Malthus only penned down this model on the basis of his personal sentiment without checking the population of any group of people. This is because Britain was one of the most advanced nations in the world. So if there was no system of taking populations on a regular and accurate basis, where did Malthus draw the conclusion that populations increase geometrically? And which farms did he study t o identify that food production is exponential. This therefore suggests that the conclusions of Malthus were based on personal sentiments and had little facts to back them. Another issue is about the way agriculture was carried out in the time of Malthus. Most people were involved in subsistence farming. Walters state that in the 1700s, 95% of people in England fed themselves through subsistence farming (36). This, again suggests that the proposition put forward by Malthus was based on a world where there
Advertisers use principles of visual search and attention to increase Essay
Advertisers use principles of visual search and attention to increase the likelihood that people will notice their message - Essay Example Within the world of advertising,there are a number of ways through which the advertising message is delivered to the target audiences.What this means is the fact that the right people should be conveyed the right message at the right time and in the right capacity. This will impact the people in a very strong and effective way, as well as make them realize about the needs and wants that they might have forgotten about or not paid enough heed to in the past. The advertisers use a number of methods and techniques in order to make sure that their message is propagated in the exact manner as they want it to be delivered. Processing this message is one thing and getting it delivered in a similar manner is an entirely different proposition. What this paper studies is the basis of the advertisers using principles related with visual search and attention in order to enhance the likelihood that people will pay attention and notice the message that has been intended for them (Fulton 1996). Dif ferent theories and evidence studies have been drafted so that a proper understanding of the subject at hand is reached upon and that there are no shortcomings within the comprehension of this study in essence. This paper will specifically deal with issues that advertisers face from time to time and the manner under which they tackle the problems related with visual search and attention are highlighted in essence. Without advertising, marketers can only think of their product lying on the retail outlets waiting for angels to come and satisfy themselves (Kotler 2005). People need to be told the plus points of their brands (by the company) so that they actually go out and make the eventual purchase which in all fairness, not an easy job for the company, say that is producing a shoe polish which does not stick on to the shoes as much as do the other competitor shoe polishes already available in the market (Agres 1990). If the customers do not know or are not given the liberty to compre hend the different features of the brand which is being advertised by the company, they would not make that valued effort on their part and hence the company will be the one to suffer in the end and no one else. One must consider that advertising is the art and indeed the science of reaching to the right sets of eyes in order to sell the product that is under discussion. Since advertisers have a clear cut task at hand, it is their duty to make sure that they draft their message in such a way that the audiences find it easy to understand and thus carry it forward to their circles of influence (O’Shaughnessy 2003). However the latter part seems to be somewhat of a complicated one because it involves quite a few areas which will not be discussed at length within this paper. What shall be the point of discussion here is the fact that advertisers use gaze motion to make sure that their audiences view the advertisements in the exact manner that they would like them to see (Cameron 1994). If there is a headline within the advertisement that needs to be viewed first by the audience, the advertisers do everything to make sure that the viewers see the headline initially and then move forward with the rest of the content in the advertisement (Levine 2003). This also signifies the basis of understanding that the elements of advertisement drafting are important and should be tackled in such a way that there is no catch within the relevant equations and that there is complete harmony within the related ranks as far as comprehending the real meaning of attracting audiences is concerned. Attention towards advertisements is indeed the key to achieve immense recall and value for the message that is being delivered by the advertisers all over the world. What this implies is the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Hispanic Last Names Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hispanic Last Names - Essay Example Hispanic surnames are always two. Balbastro Ajuntas is the womans’ real name referred to as ‘nombre.’ Ajuntas is part of her first name, not her middle name.Berrera is her fathers’ name or Apellido paterno. It is what we call her last name. Maria is her mothers’ name or Apellido materno and it is used with her fathers’ name. It is not only her last name but it completes her last name. If Balbastro was to marry Ramon Gonzalez Gomez, she would take Ramons’ last names in that pattern. Most Hispanic countries however, have the additional conjunction ‘de’ to show that the added name is a married one. It is worth noting that women in todays world do not change their names on personal or professional reasons. Women in Hispanic culture never changes her first sir name in marriage. This is different from other cultures like US, where a woman assumes the husbands’ name after marriage. It is therefore important to note that, the naming system of Spain has the traditional personal surname of the farther followed by that of the mother and that a woman does not have to change her surnames in favor of her husband’s name because Spanish naming system does not entail the maiden name
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Cartoons of the prophet Mohamed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cartoons of the prophet Mohamed - Essay Example The current free of charge market system has realistic imperfections, but also some thoughts of faultlessness, which can motivate us to discover "ideal" solutions to old tribulations that had no fine resolution previous to, like those of conveying and implementation of the universal attention and opposing dishonesty. From liberalism, is reserved the inspiration of not using power (specifically, to make the use of force needless). This makes it probable to put into practice the fresh laws everywhere with no call for of assistance from presented political establishments. The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons argument started following to the editorial perspective portraying the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were issued in the Danish newspaper by the name of Jyllands-Posten on September 30, 2005. Danish Muslim associations conducted remonstration in comeback. As the argument has expanded, few or all of the cartoons have been printed again in newspapers in addition to fifty different c ountries, primarily to aggressive disapprovals , specially in the Islamic countries. Opponents assert that the cartoons are ethnically abusive, Islamophobic, sacrilegious, and purposely done to disgrace a rare Danish minority. Devotees of the cartoons declare they exemplify a significant aspect and their newspaper implement the precise right of free speech. They also state that there are comparable cartoons about many other religions, disputing that Islam and its devotees have not been intended in a seperable way.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Astronomy123 assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Astronomy123 assignment 4 - Essay Example 2. The big bang theory is behind everything because the energy discovered forced the world to have hot particles which combine with the particle found on earth where they form the particles. Another theory behind is the mathematical which includes the cosmic where there are a lot of helium and lithium. 3. The earth is covered with the ice that covers both sides of both the poles. The snowball clearly covers the cold areas that do not favor the human life. The sun that is covered produces the sun rays that are not enough to heat the world. With the cold weather of the cold areas caused by the oceans the atmosphere becomes to be like that found on mars. The marine and carbon causes deposits on the ocean banks creating the difference. 4. The experiments done proofs that life is not such easy to be found on the surface of the earth. There are ambiguities concerning the earth whereby life is such a crucial factor where it needs the required favored factors. The scientists tried to find whether life can be found on the outside space where outside the earth there exists a number of numerous planets which do not support the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Separate Peace Essay Example for Free
A Separate Peace Essay In the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles the question is presented â€Å"what is a true friend?†The author challenges the question by manifesting two main characters, Finny and Gene, to have a type of rivalry relationship. Finny is a self-confident, outgoing, and athletic person. Awhile on the other hand Gene is quiet, competitive, and intelligent person. Gene gains jealous thoughts which in the end lead their friendship too gradually to fall apart. The author creates a challenge that frustrates both Finny and Gene to test both side of their relationship. As an example the author shows Finny’s fall in the climax of the book is due to Gene being jealous of him which then leads to Finny’s tragic injury.†I was not of the same quality as he. I couldnt stand this†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Knowles 52). Gene was surrounded with depression and major guilt. I feel that, with friendship there is always going to be envious feelings towards the other party no matter what, but not to a point of possibly injuring them or hurting them really bad. Another incident is when Gene wears Finny’s clothes while he is recovering from his injury. This brings out the thought that Gene missed Finny and he had a feeling of loneness, but however he is also replacing him in his athletics.†Listen, pal, if I can’t play sports, you’re going to play for me†(Knowles 76). Due the past altercations, Gene will play for Finny, not only because he was the second best player but Finny was injured. So I guess you can say he qualifies for his replacement. This shows that in a friendship or relationship, when two friends have had an argument in the past that has lead to loneliness, an empty feeling, and non communication, but in the end this is the factors that makes a friendship stronger when they finally talk again for the first time in a long period of time and they both feel the love and welcoming type of feeling. The last incident that occurs shows the true feelings of friendship illustrated by the author is, this is when Finny falls down the stairs and he breaks his leg for the second time. But sadly in the end e eventually dies in surgery when the doctor begins his procedure on Finny’s leg to try to fix it. The doctor then explains that the marrow of the bone escaped and went throughout his bloodstream leading to his heart killing him. Gene didn’t cry for one reason, when he was at Finny’s funeral, he felt as if this was his own.†I could not escape a feeling that this was my own funeral, and you do not cry in that case†(Knowles 184). Gene is mad at himself for endangering Finny’s life by bouncing and unbalancing the tree branch as Finny leaped out towards the water and in the end unintentionally ending his Finney’s life. John Knowles wrote the sad story of when friends obtain the feelings of envy or jealousy, on their journey to discover the true meaning of what they thought was a true friend. Their jealous cravings lead them to their tragedy and this is the major factor that brought their friendship to a end. The question â€Å"What is a true friend?†can only be answered in your opinion for there is no true definition of true friends because everyone is different and therefore think differently and has a different opinion on the subject.
Friday, September 20, 2019
I Love You Bro Play Analysis Theatre Essay
I Love You Bro Play Analysis Theatre Essay The La Boite Theatre Companys production of Adam J. A. Casss I Love You, Bro , directed by David Bethold, is a play which masterfully engages and captivates the audience. It effectively tells an enthralling tale of love, deceit and manipulation. The plays protagonist, Johnny, is a troubled teen who is desperate for love. Devoid of any power in reality, online chatrooms are his only escape. It is here, on the virtual stage, where Johnny meets, seduces and manipulates the unwitting Markymark, who through the lies of Johnny, becomes a tool in an incitement of murder. Although on the surface, I Love You, Bro may seem a twisted story of devious treachery, it is in fact a simple, yet tragic anecdote of a boy whose desire to be loved supersedes any other. The play successfully engrossed the audience through its skilled use of dramatic elements. The tension which existed in the play was well cultivated by the roles and relationships excellently portrayed by a single actor. Some of the succes s in this regard can be attributed to the highly creative use of the stage, and the combination of lighting and effects, designed by Renee Mulder, Carolyn Emerson and Guy Webster. Behind the many masks which he creates, Johnny (played by Leon Cain) himself is just as intriguing a character as any he invents. Coming from a world of domestic violence, lacking any who sincerely love him, it is little wonder that he reaches out in the only way he has available to him; virtually. Early on in the play, Johnny tells the audience he was never an outgoing personality; however, as the story develops, so too does Johnnys confidence. As the main protagonist, the story follows Johnnys struggle to connect with someone, and the gradual transformation of this struggle into an unhealthy obsession. The subject of this obsession is the oblivious teen footballer, Mark. When Mark first begins conversing online with Johnny, he mistakenly believes him to be a female. Johnny plays along, eager to satisfy his desire to be needed by someone. As time progresses, the relationship between the two grows exponentially, to the point wherein Johnny believes himself to be in love with Mark, wh o was still unaware that his online lover is in fact a younger male. Throughout the course of the play, Johnny conceived a multitude of spurious characters, all of whom served to further his connection with Mark. Initially, the chain of characters began with a simple error on Marks behalf. After mistakenly believing that Johnnys online alias AlbaJay was a female character, Jessica was born. Jessica was Johnnys first creation, and became his obsession when he came to the realisation that she could act as a conductor for reciprocated love. Jessica, although starting off fairly innocently and without any intention of harm, Johnny soon begins to conceive new characters to fuel his insatiable desire to feel as though he is cared about and attempts to achieve this with his creation of two new fictitious characters. These characters are Simon, Jessicas helpless, albeit fabricated younger brother and Stings, an intimidating bully. Johnny creates these people in order to heighten Marks feelings towards him by establishing an element of danger in the relationsh ip the two share. By putting Simon in a threatened position, and then using it to pressure Mark into a predicament wherein he has limited courses of action he can take, Johnny takes the game to a much higher level, and as a direct result, vastly increases the tension in the play. Similarly, the creation of Jane Bond and Agent 41579 serve similar purposes as Johnnys previous fabrications. Jane Bond and Agent 41579 both add to the danger involved in the romance, deepening the urgency of the connection between Mark and Johnny. In addition to this, Agent 41579 is similar to Jessica in that she acts as a magnet for attention and the affection of Mark. The establishment of the new relationship between Mark and Agent 41579 created a renewed level of tension after a lull in the play, and this was only increased as the plot continued and led to the attack on Johnny. This story is played out on a quite simplistic and minimalistic set designed by Renee Mulder. It consisted of an abstract stage, which was elevated in the upstage region to creatively act as a cyclorama onto which images and videos were projected. As well as this, the stage had a simple wire framed desk structure at its most downstage point. It was to this point that the entire stage was pointed towards and focussed on. This was because the desk and the computer which sat upon it were the pinnacle of Johnnys existence. His computer was the most important part of his life. The set was an accurate reflection of his world, and how it revolved around his online presence. The jagged and sharp edges of the stage also demonstrated the disjointed and shattered life which Johnny was a part of when not on his computer. The stage also worked well in cohesion with the use of a single actor. Being a small and uncluttered stage, the focus was always directed on Johnny and his actions, and this for ced the audience to engage with him and added significantly to the plays overall delivery. Another interesting aspect of the set was the wheeled chair which so often Johnny rolled around the stage on. The use of this chair to roll around stage showed Johnnys internal conflict and indecisiveness. On numerous occasions throughout the play, Johnny could be seen rolling around stage when faced with a difficult decision. This clearly showed his opposing and clashing opinions, a metaphor for his uncertainty as to which direction to take, and ultimately, his uncertainty in himself. The action of the play was effectively accentuated by lighting and effects. For the majority of the play, the stage was lit with an azure blue tinge. The lighting effects reflected Johnnys personal feelings at any certain time. A perfect example of this was seen when Stings took over Johnny. Stings was the darker side of Johnny, and the lighting of the production captured this aspect of him perfectly. Each time Stings appeared, the lights would immediately and without warning switch off from a light colour, and the stage would be bathed in almost total darkness, with only the slightest hints of light dancing around stage.In combination with this, a distinct whipping sound effect was played to indicate the rapid and brusque change into the alter ego. After the change had occurred, a low and menacing tone was played, personifying the insidious nature of Stings. Similarly, the azure colour which was present as Johnny took the guise of Jessica showed his softer, lighter side. These light ing and sound elements were creatively used to transmit both mood and personality to the audience, as were the simple images and occasional video images projected onto the cyclorama. Director David Berthold successfully manipulated the dramatic elements of distinct roles and relationships presented in Adam J. A. Casss I Love You, Bro. Consequently, the audience is able to connect on a very powerful level with this production. The play skillfully creates tension at key points throughout the plot, and by the timely balancing of this tension, the play was thoroughly engaging.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Colonizing Planets other than Earth Essay -- Mars Colony space explora
Earth has a population of more than six billion people. As this number continues to grow, the populated land masses fill up, and it seems that eventually they will all be overcrowded. Certain areas are already showing this overpopulation, such as large American cities including Los Angeles and New York City. Some countries do not suffer from overcrowding due to high population, but to a high ratio of population to resources. As the natural resources of an area are depleted, the quality of life of the people who live there decreases. If the human race is to prosper as a whole, there must be enough resources to support the global population. In order to support our increasing population, we must learn to harness new resources. Some scientists are considering the possibilty of learning to inhabit other planets. This plan includes a process called terraforming, which is defined as "transforming a planet into something resembling the earth, especially as regards to human habitation." This is widely thought of as "Science Fiction" - but 50 years ago so was just about everything that is commonplace today. What alternatives do we have? Are there any planets out there that are like enough to earth that they could be so transformed? The body most commonly thought of in association with terraforming is Mars. There are several reasons Mars is looked upon favorably. The gravity on Mars is about 0.38 g, compared to 1 g on Earth. It is believed that humans could live in such a gravity without any side effects like bone shrinkage. The day on Mars is about 24.5 hours, compared to 24 hours on Earth. This means that there wouldn't be any agricultural problems relating to day length. There are large quantities of rust (FE203) which woul... ...sing the temperature by 10 K to start this whole process wouldn't be enough to create a comfortable climate. The savage dust storms on Mars will still exist, as well as some carbon dioxide. It seems there are many different ideas for what sort of material would be required to construct a usable biodome. Over the years people have speculated over the use of glass, metal, plastic, etc. It is speculated that once the process of terraforming is begun, it will take decades to complete. With the technology we have available to us today, the scientific community is divided as to whether it will ever be possible. Works Cited: On To Mars! The Nine Planets Red Colony Nasa The Terraforming Information pages
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Adoration of the Magi by di Nardo :: Iconographical Analysis Art Artwork
Iconographical Analysis: di Nardo, â€Å"Adoration of the Magi†The painting â€Å"Adoration of the Magi†by di Nardo portrays the three Magi approaching the baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary. However, there is much more to it than just this familiar scene from Judeo-Christian lore. When approaching this painting in order to analyze it iconographically, it is necessary to first look at all aspects of the form. If this aspect is ignored, it provides for an incomplete analysis of the painting. Once this is looked at, the iconography of the painting becomes much clearer, and it is easier to compare the painting to the actual biblical text from which it was derived (Gospel of St. Matthew 2:1 – 2:12). When approaching the painting the first thing I noticed was the odd perspective. There are several vanishing points. Also, all of the figures seem to be placed on one plane. Because of this, the two figures that represent Jesus and Mary seem to be hovering weirdly above the ground. This, I believe, draws the viewer’s attention to these two figures, since they are the main focus of the painting. Due to the influence of my culture, I recognized the figures as Jesus and Mary immediately. However, despite this, there are a few indicators as to who the people represented in the painting are. When viewing the painting, it is obvious that the figures of mother and child are the main point because the gazes of all of the people in the represented center on the child, including the mother’s. Also, the weird hovering effect also directs the viewer’s attention to these two figures. Both Mary and Jesus have halos, but this is not necessarily a distinguishing factor seeing as how there are also four other figures in the painting that have halos. However, the halo that surrounds the head of the baby Jesus has a slightly different pattern than those that the other figures possess. This lets you know that for whatever reason, this child is set apart from all other figures in the painting. So, even if the viewer is of another culture or religion and doesn’t see the significance of the female in the picture being clothed in blue and red, or the significance of the â€Å"blessing†position in which the baby is holding his hand, he can see that for some reason, this child is being distinguished from all other people in the painting.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
cuban missle crisis: a front row seat for the end of the world :: essays research papers
     A Front Row Seat for the End of the World           During the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, I had a front row seat. I was Under Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and, as a consequence, a member of President John Kennedy’s Executive Committee (ExComm) which dealt with our response. I believe I was the only one permitted to keep notes of the meetings, and have from time to time referred to them over the years. However, my recollections of our debates have been stimulated with the recent release of edited transcripts of the discussions.      When in mid–October reconnaissance photos revealed that the Soviets were building missiles and bomber bases in Cuba, I was not surprised. Since July, there had been an increase in shipping from Soviet ports to Mariel in Cuba. On October 11, the French reported that their diplomats had seen trucks loaded with what appeared to be tarpaulin– covered missiles lumbering through Havana at night. I thought it probable that these were indeed offensive missiles, despite Soviet pledges that they would never put bases in Cuba and only defensive weapons. My thought at the time was that whatever Moscow was up to in Cuba was somehow connected with the lingering crisis over Berlin which had begun the previous August when the East Germans began to construct a wall sealing off the eastern sector. I believed that Khrushchev, recognizing that the importance of the city to the West made the risk of war high, was lying low on that crisis while creating a new one in Cuba with the intent of trading one off against the other, perhaps gaining leverage for concessions. But there were other reasons that the possibility of missiles in Cuba was not far–fetched. During the Berlin crisis, most of our contingency planning for military options had been based on estimates of impressive Soviet conventional and nuclear capabilities. For that reason, we had thought the possibility of escalation into a nuclear war was likely, and the Soviets could hit us very hard. However since then, the double agent Penkovskiy had confirmed what our own intelligence had been suggesting: that Soviet nuclear capabilities had been overestimated, and that we held the advantageâ€â€evidently one of the reasons why Moscow was putting intermediate and medium range missiles in Cuba. I viewed the existence of the missiles as a serious threat. They could reach any number of targets in the United States in a short time and, since we had set up no southern early warning system, a surprise attack would put us in a difficult position.
Genetic Discrimination
Genetic Discrimination 1. Genetic discrimination is prejudice against those who have or are likely to develop an inherited disorder. This is where individuals are tested for certain mutations in their genes that could lead to a specific disorder. This is a problem because people are being discriminated against if these certain genes or mutations are found. Examples of how discrimination is disbursed are that these individuals would have a difficult time getting health insurance and certain employment opportunities. 2. The people who would be at risk in this situation would be the individuals who are found to have mutations that can lead to genetic disorders. They wouldn’t be given the same opportunities as the rest of the public. The people who would benefit would be healthy individuals. They would have less competition in employment and other opportunities. 3. Some ethical principals that would be affected if genetic testing occurs is that people’s privacy is at stake. There are certain aspects that should not be given to the public, especially if these are conditions that can’t be controlled by the individual. On the other hand, knowing an employee has or could have a certain disorder would allow the person in charge to better understand what that person is capable of. They would keep them out of situations that could harm themselves or others. 4. I think you could be on both sides of the argument. Being aware of peoples conditions allows better preparation for job positions. It’s w ay to identify how much ability they will bring to a certain situation. The only real problem I see is that, it’s difficult to punish someone or hold them back because of a condition that they had no control over.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Flat or House
I would like to speak about what is better to live in a flat or in a house ? Comparing living in a flat or a house is difficult. Someone says that living in a house is better than in a flat and someone the opposite. An I think that living in house is much better than living in flat. Fistly, I would like to speak about living in a flat. Speaking about positives aspects about living in a flat I should say that people who‘s doesn’t like working in garden or just being quiet and alone there really should choose to live in a flat as you don’t have any problems about that. But living in a flat there is and negative aspects.I live in a flat. The flats are often smaller than houses. In flats there usually isn't so much place as in a house. If a family has more children, the children must live in one room together. In most cases, people living in flats don't have any gardens or cottages, only a garage. The main advantage of living in a flat is that flats aren't so expensiv e and usually are situated in a town, where everything is near and handy. Secondly, I would like to speak about living in house. Living in houses has many advantages too. There are more places for living. Every member of the family can have his or her room.A house usually has more rooms. In a house can be a big kitchen with larder, a workroom, a fitness room, more bedrooms, toilets and bathrooms and of course an attic. There can be spare rooms for guests and visitors too. In the house, there can be a cellar, where to store the vegetables and fruits from a garden. Next to a house, there is usually a big or small garden, where children can play and they don't play on the street, where there is a traffic. For example, you can also keep pets there on a garden. Family can work in a garden, relax, or do various parties. Houses usually have garages. It's very good place for men's hobbies.Speaking about negatives aspects I should say that living in hause is very expensive and it is requi re a lot of care: such as housework. Also in detached house you can feel like in your own castle. Nobody disturbs you, but also nobody helps you too. You house usually is in the suburb. There is cleaner air and prettier environment then in the centre. In suburb, you need to have your own car, because usually there is no bus stop and you have to walk for a few kilometres to the nearest one. All in all, I should say that I better prefer living in a house then living in a flat because it is much more comfortable and better than living in a flat.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Position Description: Analyst Programmer – C# . Net Purpose of Position: To design, develop, deliver and support Images in Space systems and services. To work with all areas of the Images in Space business to design and deliver future systems and services. The role requires the delivery of industry leading solutions that are reliable, scaleable and easy to use. This position operates in a multi-tasking environment and will involve support of clients (Internal and External) via phone, email and in person.There is the requirement to work with the Senior Development Analyst and/or technical pre-sales staff to perform analysis and establish user requirements, deliver projects to time and budget, and support these systems to company and client specific agreed service levels. This position is also tasked with supporting a development culture based on consistent methodologies and best practices for design, testing, security and hosting. Reports to: Head Developer and Solutions Archit ect Key Accountabilities: Project Assignments: Analyze, design, build and test business / technical solutions to meet both our internal needs and the needs of our users. †¢ Provide . NET, SQL Server and general development skills and experience to the Software Development team. †¢ Maintain and support existing applications. †¢ Conduct relevant â€Å"Requirements Analysis†to develop an accurate understanding of system requirements, in order to design the best solution within project, business and technical constraints. †¢ Accurately estimate the time and investment required to implement solutions. †¢ Analyse the mpact of any programmed changes to existing systems, and implement changes so as to minimise disruption to production environments. †¢ Create functional software from technical designs and system requirements documentation. †¢ Test software against specifications. †¢ Create and maintain systems documentation. †¢ Share knowl edge and experience relevant to the project with team members. Personal Work Practice and Productivity †¢ Accept responsibility and ownership for agreed personal/project objectives, timelines and deadlines. †¢ Manage assigned work to ensure it is completed on time and to budget. Complete administration tasks within agreed timelines. †¢ Share information and work with other developers / team members. †¢ Actively work in alignment with the vision and values of the company. Quality Management †¢ Support, maintain and improve Images in Space development methodologies, procedures and standards. †¢ Ensure the quality of the final deliverables by establishing and checking technical standards, and by verifying that the products meet or exceed requirements. †¢ To provide quality assurance to colleagues. Systems Support †¢ Proactively identify system modifications and/or enhancements (scalability, performance, ease of use etc). Ensure all systems are fu lly operational in accordance with contracted performance measures and/or Service Level Agreements. Other responsibilities may include any development duties that we reasonably require you to do. These may change from time to time to reflect the changing requirements of your position and our business. Key Performance Criteria: †¢ Delivery of projects against defined milestones and budgets. †¢ Customer satisfaction / absence of complaints. †¢ Speed of solutions (efficiency). †¢ Rework rate (bugs). †¢ Stability and Performance of Production software. Stability and Performance of Development Infrastructure. General Skills: †¢ Ability to analyse and define system requirements. †¢ Systems architecture and design. †¢ Deliver functional software using appropriate web technologies. †¢ Ability to learn new technologies. †¢ Strong communication and inter-personal skills. †¢ Lateral thinking. †¢ Self management. †¢ Provide direct training and support to development staff and end users. Technical Skills: †¢ Microsoft and related technologies – C# / . NET Framework †¢ Web sites & Web services (ASP. NET, MVC) †¢ AJAX programming experience. Experience in Object Relational Mapping Tools ( e. g. : Subsonic, Nettiers, nHibernate) †¢ Microsoft SQL Server †¢ Standards Compliant Design and Markup (HTML / XHTML / XML & CSS) †¢ DOM Scripting (JavaScript, JSON & related frameworks (e. g. : jQuery, YUI/ExtJS ) †¢ Support legacy sites & services (Cold Fusion) †¢ Separation of presentation and content by use of Cascading Style Sheets. †¢ Experience in Fireworks or Photoshop for image creation or manipulation. †¢ Web Service or Service Oriented Architecture experience. †¢ Basic computer & systems hardware knowledge and networking skills.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
American Interventions Since World War Ii Essay
Since 1940, the United States has a long history of foreign interventions, long since leaving behind its former isolationism. Its motives have included the urge to fight fascist aggression, the desire to contain communism’s spread (and protect American economic interests), and preserving American access to plentiful Middle Eastern oil. Before December 1941, much of the American public favored isolation from world affairs, especially in the wake of World War I, to many a pointless conflict. However, others looked warily at the spread of fascism and militarism in Europe and eastern Asia. President Franklin Roosevelt believed by 1938 that the conflict would eventually draw in the United States, and he wanted to assist the United Kingdom in its war against Germany (which it fought with virtually no help beyond American aid programs like Lend-Lease). Roosevelt, aware that many Americans were wary of another futile war, framed the conflict in moral terms, presenting Hitler’s fascism and Japan’s militarism as evils that needed eradication by the forces of democracy. He cautiously began preparing the nation for war by expanding the armed forces and defense economy, aiding the British, and imposing embargoes on oil and metal sales to Japan, vainly hoping that Japan’s military-run government would desist from its aggressive expansion throughout eastern Asia. The Cold War began almost immediately after World War II, giving the United States no real opportunity to revert to isolationism. By mid-1945, the Soviet army had already occupied much of eastern and central Europe, claiming its right to â€Å"buffer nations†and using a dying Roosevelt’s agreement at Yalta to justify their domination of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and much of the Balkan region. Very quickly, the Soviet Union began expanding its assisting communist rebels in various nations, and the United States saw a threat not only to its own dominance but also to capitalist economies abroad (many tied to American economic interests). Aware that much of Europe was devastated and impoverished by the war (and thus vulnerable to Soviet influence), the Truman administration actively intervened in European affairs with aid packages like the Marshall Plan, the Truman doctrine (which led to American intervention in Greece and Turkey, where communist insurgents actively sought control and the British were unable to cope), and the creation of NATO as a military response to the Soviets. The Cold War also drove the United States to intervene further in Asia, after the communist takeover in China in 1949 and the outbreak of hostilities between North and South Korea in 1950 (which turned into a sort of proxy war between the United States and China). After a cease-fire halted the Korean conflict in 1953 (indeed, it has not officially ended and American troops remain there in large numbers), the United States followed the policy of containment, initially outlined in 1946 by George Kennan NSC-68 document. Accepting the existence of both the Soviet Union and China, American policy aimed to prevent communist expansion into other nations, particularly the newly-independent Third World nations that had been European colonies before 1945. This often involved behind-the-scenes support of various regimes (sometimes democratic, often authoritarian and repressive) Though Lyndon Johnson framed the Vietnam War in Cold War terms, using the â€Å"domino theory†to argue that halting communism in southeast Asia was pivotally important, the conflict’s roots lay in the mid-1940s, when the Vietnamese declared independence from France and fought an eight-year war for liberation, ending with France’s defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. The United States, which began providing aid to France as early as 1950, increasingly viewed Vietnam’s fight to reunify under Ho Chi Minh through the lens of Cold War thinking, and Johnson approached the war as a battle against communist expansion, rather than as a guerrilla war for national liberation and unity. In the Middle East, American interventions generally concerned both the region’s rich oil supplies and the nation of Israel, whose independence the United States recognized within minutes of its declaration in 1948. American support for Israel was motivated in part by Truman’s sympathy for the Jews, given their horrific experiences under Nazism) complicated relations with Arab states and incurred long-lasting Arab mistrust of the United States. In addition, the United States (being the world’s largest oil consumer) was eager to protect the region’s vast oil fields from the Soviets and drove the United States to support dictators such as the Shah of Iran and later Iraq’s Saddam Hussein – with negative consequences in both cases. When communism ended as an international threat, American leadership increasingly viewed Arab extremism as the new threat to its hegemony. The Gulf War of 1990-1991 grew from Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, which upset the region’s political status quo and jeopardized the West’s access to Kuwaiti oil. The current conflict in Iraq is a continuation of this, as well as an effort to assert American authority in a region which has long regarded the United States with suspicion and disdain. Economic and geopolitical motives were the chief factors behind American interventions abroad after 1940. The United States entered World War II to fight fascist aggression and expansion, while the Cold War was a struggle against both growing communist influence and the resulting threats to global capitalism and Vietnam transformed from efforts to help a colonial power to a Cold War fight. Finally, American activity in the Middle East has been motivated by a desire to keep the region a stable and dependable source of oil, as well as a desire to combat Muslim extremists aiming to undermine American domination. REFERENCES Boyer, Paul S. et al. The Enduring Vision. Third edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Goldfield, David et al. The American Journey. Third edition. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of studying for a Essay - 2
Discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of studying for a university degree, Which appear to be more persuasive Refer to the text and other sources - Essay Example Not only does a degree from a university improve a person’s career prospects but it also helps him socially. His societal status improves and he is respected more. Saying that, however, does not mean that attaining a university degree is a sure shot at landing at your dream job. It is very commonly seen that graduates are jobless or working at a lowly position which is not what they had in mind when pursuing their degree. The value of a university degree should not be gauged monetarily only although that is what most people do and high paying jobs are why people pursue a degree. A university degree gives other possible benefits as well that will be detailed in the rest of this paper. Nevertheless, a degree is never a waste of investment and even if a person does not end up getting a job right away he will find that later on, when he has some experience in lowly jobs, his degree is what will set him out from non-graduates and help him get a good job. I am a single mother of four, having lost my husband a year back. I have a background in nursing and 15 years of experience in the same field. Now I have decided to move into Public Health. I am currently enrolled in the program and also working a part time job side by side. The reason I decided to pursue this degree is that I have a passion for academics and I believe that it will help me a lot in climbing up my career ladder. Yes, it is a pretty hard task managing studies, work and a family and yes, it is extremely difficult to give equal time to all, not to mention it becomes very tiring and stressful too. But then, if you want to achieve something you have to sacrifice and work hard for it. I have also planned to complete my university training as that will be counted a lot. Training and experience is always a bonus in professional life. I believe that once I have this degree I can apply for a better position and be able to earn and support my family better. Even if the results
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Understanding and Remembering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Understanding and Remembering - Essay Example Nonetheless, it is worth noting that there are some cultures that are considered humanistic that are usually characterized as the study of man. Therefore, music may not define man and his daily habits; thus, it may be difficult to study it as a culture that defines a people or society. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that music and musical study requires a double specialization that is including anthropology and musical studies, a combinational that is usually never found. Nearly 85 percent of the Americans know that music has four fundamental categories or the academic music that is usually discussed under misleading terms namely the classical that includes folk music that is manly associated with the white community, the popular music that is usually differentiated from the jazz music in aspects including hit tunes, and the Negro music. The other 15 percent do not know the distinction of music other than the hip-hop, jazz, classical, and blues, among other peripheral classifications. To my understanding from numerous research works on the music and its consideration in cultural classification, there are needs to conduct more research to determine what levels and entry point should music to be taught elaborately in schools among other learning institutions. To certain degree those who study music never get into the history of music and distribution of music has a culture but they are only concern with ways music can be perfected along the direction or genre they are interested (Merrian 1173). Therefore, there are needs to address music along anthropologic line. This will help in understanding music and its different application along different cultures and types. In other words, understanding music as a culture in America among other nations, people, and continents will only be achieved when a specific interest through study incorporated in the study curriculum. Additionally, there is the concept of the double
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Cooper's Industries M&A Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cooper's Industries M&A - Case Study Example The complementary development continued throughout the 1970’s as did the diversification into related areas. The main aim of this corporate strategy has been to lessen its dependence on the cyclical natural gas business. 2) Cooper’s creates value through building similar businesses around related areas of its expertise and then achieving synergies from these businesses. The value that is created is by combining the strengths of the related diversification and complementary building by which the company achieves capabilities in areas close to each other. This synergy helps it to achieve scale and size in running the business. Hence, Cooper’s creates value through these twin processes and by achieving synergies. 3) The key resources of Cooper’s are its people and especially those in the upper reaches of management. The company has consciously followed a strategy of hiring the best talent available to run its various businesses and this has resulted in it achieving a corporate culture that has become an asset for the company. The other key resource of Cooper’s is its culture of encouraging the various businesses to run autonomously thereby encouraging risk-taking and entrepreneurial spirit among the business units. This is related to the company culture and hence it can be said that Cooper’s key resources are its people and the processes that it has built around them. 4) It is my view that Cooper’s should not acquire Champion Spark plugs. There are many reasons for this and they range from the gigantic restructuring that needs to take place at the organizational and operational level as well as the huge increase in its debt percentage resulting from the deal. Further, the company does not stand to gain from integrating another company that is primarily into manufacturing spare parts as the potential synergies from such a move are debatable.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Preventative Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preventative Education - Essay Example Since COPD is primarily a disease related to excessive or long-term smoking and is completely preventable from both a pharmacological and non-pharmacological perspective and there are numerous methods that can be implemented to focus on the prevention, accurate diagnosis, and management of this disease (Barnett, 2009). Through a comprehensive understanding of the disease, as well as the physical, psychological and social impact COPD has on the patient, their careers, and their families, healthcare professionals will be better equipped to comprise management plans that are effective in all the affected areas of the patient’s life (Barnett, 2009). Formulating a collaborative approach that includes working with other healthcare professionals relative to the patient’s care like physiotherapists, occupational therapists, district nurses and social workers will enable a holistic approach to the patient’s care to be established and maintained (Barnett, 2009). Through th is approach, the healthcare professional can help the patient examine numerous aspects of their lifestyle that may be detrimental to their health and exacerbate their COPD. Providing the patient with complete care and information is the most vital tool a nurse can provide to their patient. In the instigation of preventative routines, successful implementation of a case management scheme including the medical interventions available can help establish a routine of such care within the institution. Even though the current treatments are limited in helping relieve symptoms, nurses can do a lot to help educate patients and enable them to cope with their condition to reduce the progression of the disease (Barnett, 2006). The most vital piece of information a... This paper approves that many opportunities for health promotion through patient education are underutilized in all aspects of healthcare. Through education, nurses can develop the skills necessary to use every opportunity for promoting health in everyday practice and help their patients become educated in various methods to promote and preserve their own well-being. Keeping the needs of the facility and the needs of the patient balanced is the duty of the nurse and proper case management will help the nurse keep these contradictory aspects well in hand. This essay makes a conclusion that incorporating theories of holistic care with those of case management can help the nurse provide the best care possible for the patient at the lowest cost to the institution. COPD is a systemic disease with high and increasing worldwide prevalence. The onset of this disease has been associated with both individual and community-based factors and COPD is usually the result of a combination of these factors. Numerous strategies are available to manage or prevent COPD, and nursing education is needed to empower nurses to educate their patients and present proper solutions through case management schemes that will benefit the patients and the institutions through effective, cost-minimal methods of treatment. Nurses all over the world have important roles in fighting the COPD pandemic and health promotion is the best tool available to keep healthy people healthy as long as possible.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Economics of Natural Resource Availability Essay
The Economics of Natural Resource Availability - Essay Example Every market strategy should cover the price and output strategy, the reaction of price and output strategy of other competitors in the market. There are large numbers of applications of business in this technological and advanced scenario. There are web and net facilities to all one should have an access to the internet facilities for business helps in advertising the introduction of the products and new designs The computer programming one of the most important things to consider the work based on software’s introducing different software. Small industries at small scales mean the garment factory leather and so on, small educational institutions such as small schools, investments in the small business of departmental stores, whole sellers and retailers. Keynes describes the study of unemployment with the business cycle he gives the study of aggregate demand. In Keynes view, using applying the fiscal policy can reduce the fluctuations in business cycle and monetary policy fiscal policy is the government policy and monetary policy concerned with the policy by a central bank and the government departments too. The Keynesian economics is based on the 20th-century ideas. In the Keynesian view, there are many macroeconomic variables, which have an impact on the individual’s microeconomics functions. In Keynesian economics, the discussion of aggregate demand with the individuals demands the goods. In his view there are many changes bring by the government by implementing the fiscal and monetary policy to take control over the economy and prevent it from downfall. The supply side economics is concerned with the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy it focuses on the monetary policy the study of money demand and its supply monetary policy is only concerned with the changes in the money supply not with the interest rate, the changes in interest rates are managed by the fiscal policy. Â
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents compared to their Research Paper
Development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents compared to their Hearing Peers - Research Paper Example This article is basically centered on how the development of such adolescents who are either totally deaf or have other hearing problems is affected adversely compared to the development of their normal age fellows. According to (Peterson, 1993, p. 4), â€Å"normal adolescent development is a positive process bringing adult maturity and competence, in contrast to the existing negative stereotypes.†Many crude and intricate effects produced by hearing loss on many poor adolescents are discussed in this paper, and how their development becomes even more difficult in the diverse classrooms of the present world schools. There are myriad social issues regarding the inclusion of hearing-impaired adolescents at the schools, most importantly. (Berke, 2009). These issues are of such grave and distressing nature that they can even shoot down the motivation and learning enthusiasm in such students who are having hearing problems to zero. That is why, the social issues have looming prospe cts for these adolescents and they are potentially capable of inducing long-lasting mutilating effects on their future potentials. This is an unequivocal fact backed up with research reports that those children who have hearing problems are neither as well integrated socially nor as popular as their normal hearing peers are, due to which they start feeling pressurized and develop myriad psychological problems. The psychological state of children with hearing problems quite resembles to that of young people with low socioeconomic or racial backgrounds who are not welcomed in the society. Seclusion and social hesitation are the two major challenges that mar the development of hearing impaired children. This is because, confidently going out and communicating with normal age fellows or other young people with same helps special children in maintaining social integration. Social inclusion is also affected in culturally diverse classrooms, where deaf or hearing-impaired adolescents may e ven be laughed at by their normal age fellows. It is because the normal children are not familiar with ways to socialize with the children who have special needs, thus their development gets affects badly. There is much disagreement between professionals when talking about whether or not hearing impaired adolescents should be taught alongside their normal peers. Many professionals concerned with such students who suffer from hearing problems have published myriad research papers, which claim that in such classrooms where normal students and those having particular biological problems are taught together, most of the deficiencies are overlooked due to which special students are left dissatisfied. Many scholars claim that children with hearing disabilities do not experience the normal education easily by studying in the mainstream classrooms. They also have to cope with a broad range of social pressures like unjustified ridiculing, bulling, or suppression, which are mostly created by their normal age fellows. That is why, less inclusive provision is sought by many professionals and parents so that the hearing impaired adolescents can be developed behaviorally and psychologically in a welcome and harmonious environment. (Musselman, Mootilal, & MacKay, 1996, pp. 52-63). On the
Analyzing an advertisement poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analyzing an advertisement poster - Essay Example Ultimately, the paper will draw a conclusion with relation to the advertisement poster. Notably, the ad uses different colors to capture the attention of the audience. The blue color at the top of the ad seeks to inform the audience that FIFA 14 is available on PS4. The foreground of the ad has bright colors to capture the attention of the eye while the background has a dark color to create a comfortable color mix. Moreover, the colors in this ad represent the various football sponsors of FIFA 14 video game as well as the identity of one of the successful football in the world. The color mix in this ad creates a very effective visual effect that helps the target audience to relate with the product. Furthermore, the ad uses a human figure to present its message to the target audience. The human figure in the ad represents Lionel Messi who is the most decorated player in the world who plays for Barcelona, which is a very successful football club. The human figure relates the product with success and hence encouraging the audience to buy the product with a promise of becoming like Messi. Moreover, the ad depicts the product in a very clear way. Indeed, the audience can easily identify the product and the body that licensed the product subject to the good mix of colors and the large font of the product description. Various words and texts appear on the image. These words and texts are clear and represent the product, the sponsors of FIFA 14 video game, and the official bodies that licensed the product. Moreover, the words and texts represent the device, which supports the application of this product. Furthermore, the texts represent the sponsor of the club shown on the image. Notably, the image has a defined boundary. The name of product is at the center of the image while the human figure aligns to the left. The name of the device that supports the application of the product is at the top of the image with a unique color. The ad uses
Saturday, September 7, 2019
An Analysis of the Evolution of the E-Business in America Essay Example for Free
An Analysis of the Evolution of the E-Business in America Essay Economic transactions have taken a toll of revolutions and evolutions from the most historic barter deals to currency minting to bank-to-bank transactions, and finally, electronic business. Undeniably, the phenomenal effect of information technology to the lives of common man has caught the complexities of all branches of science and economics in a single matrix. Similarly, it has extinguished spatial boundaries in the business arena. Upon the advent of the accessibility of the internet or the World Wide Web to the public in 2004, it has been deemed that e-commerce will shortly follow through. So thus soothsayers and journalists manifest into the world this forecast. Company websites and internet servers sprouted like wild mushrooms here and there, flooding the virtual world with what’s it’s’ people cannot usually find for themselves. A unique gadget which can be found nowhere at a shopping mall is now easy to find at Ebay or Amazon. om, or shopping for clothes can also be done via ordering online, and sending emails or conversing with another entity half an earth away through instant messengers now became a common activity to the technologically savvy. A worldwide acknowledgment of this phenomenon has now slowly shifted every human paradigm there is. This evolutionary way of business ‘anytime-anywhere scheme’ or transacting across the planet in only a matter of seconds has put leverage to the face of business vis-a-vis human technology. E-business or e-commerce, also known as EC, has now penetrated all elements of life, particularly the world of commerce and economics. Today, e-business is now the most preferred way of dealing with and between firms. In the fields of traveling, media, logistics, telecommunication, and manufacturing, as identified by Horsti, Tolonen and Brannback (2003) in their study of five electronic business models, it showed that operating a business backed by ecommerce and proper management of personnel skills and customer relationships is a critical success factor (CSF) and always has a direct correlation to business success. This gives light to the logic as to why bankers and corporations alike have resorted to sending orders and invoices via internet instead of sending messengers or bulky packages to each other and wait for days before the same arrives at each other’s doorstep. On an individual basis, transacting with another online instead of going to a bank and undergoing the tedious process of lining-up and filling out slips and various withdrawal or deposit forms has been the hip. Online credit card transactions has also been the trend nowadays especially to the technologically savvy. As Moslein (2001) would argue, the rise of ecommerce has extinguished traditional boundaries and spatial constraints of conducting business. So what really is it behind e-business and what makes everyone indubitably caught up with this intertwining net of transactions? In this paper, the aforementioned is put to a limelight along with a detailed analysis of the e-business phenomenon. A projection as to how e-business in America will perform in the short-run is also forecasted. Pros and cons of doing e-business as well as important dissections of it are also included herein. The first part of this paper shall serve as a guideline as to how discussion will flow and what models and methods were used in shedding light to the subject matter at hand. It also serves as briefer to the latter portions which delve deeper to the subject matter. The latter portions shall plainly consist of the author’s own views with regard to the topic, however, with sources to buttress proof of claims. The summary and conclusions are second to the last parts before providing a list of references used in this research. Statement of the Issues/Problems The dawning of the internet and the birth of ecommerce in which e-business arose forthwith has also given birth to online corporations and rebirth to traditional enterprises. However, the new age technology has also given birth to various risks and opportunities for misers to tamper with the gifts of technology to the disadvantage of those who are faithful in their dealings. In this regard, the primary thrust of this paper is to analyze the gradual paradigm shift of business in America to the modern e-business taking into consideration the management decisions of enterprises vis-a-vis the costs and risks in engaging into e-business. Further, this paper rests with the issue on how ecommerce evolved to what it is today. Given these matters, the ultimate question this paper aims to answer is: Why do businesses continue to prefer to do e-business despite online security threats and risks? Hypothesis E-business is a response of various industries to the market forces affecting it, and amidst costs and risks, the benefits of e-business to enterprises prove to shape corporate success, help industries maximize benefits and positively affect the entire business industry as a whole. Methodology This paper is a result of a collaboration, compilation, corroboration and interpretation from various sources of information gathered mostly through the internet. Various theories in economics and business management are also used to prove certain stands pertinent to the subject matter. The author has also included newspaper articles and opinions from renowned columnists all of which can also be accessed through the internet. The said sources were streamlined for this purpose of incorporating into this subject matter all indispensable elements of e-business. It is important to highlight that this paper is not to measure e-business per se because of the very volatility and fast speed of growth and advancement of the e-business itself. As stated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), measuring e-business and quantifying the elements of convenience and easy access to information is impossible given the current fast-changing nature of the market (OECD, 1998). Hence, this paper has enumerated the costs and benefits instead and weighed both in the light of the evolution of e-business to the stage. Degree of Reliance of Statistical Data/Literature Search The author has chosen only those sources which are strongly correlated and are very pertinent to e-business. For statistical data, there is an interim degree of reliance from high to medium degree, since statistics were conducted by professional research institutions and quoted from high grade literature. With regard to articles and sources, most of the studies consulted where products of doctorate and master’s degree holders who are expert in this field notwithstanding those who gave garnered distinctions (i. e. Nobel Prize, Pulitzer, etc. in the field of economics. Therefore, there is a high level of reliance on their studies. A Description of the Research Design This paper is purely research based and one which does not involve interpretation of raw statistical data. Due to the broad and constantly changing nature of e-business, a survey of the entire America is implausible. Thus, it is best to resort to data that have been gathered by reliable research institutions concentrating on the same subject matter. The literatures used herein are mostly second-hand ones and are retroactive in its nature such that theories used are identified as paradigms. Despite being cited and further cited in various citations, the theory is not eroded. Thus, citations of the same coming from other citations, or a chain of citations in one citation, are valid. It is also important to note that despite the varying nature of the sources used in this paper, the discussion shall not be deprived of important knowledge as regards the subject matter. Models Followed The paper follows three specific models in economics: the law on supply and demand, the model on cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and the game theory. This is because these three easy-to-understand theories are also the primary considerations of CEOs in choosing management decisions and doing other management strategies. In accordance with the objectives of this paper, various researches shall also be inculcated herein to give various theories and conceptions an equal footing as regards the topic. As a clarification, there are no current researchers who have analyzed the nature of e-business extensively and collaboratively using the aforementioned theories. Therefore, literature reviews are primarily based on historical findings on the evolution of e-business, analyses of various researchers on the nature of economics vis-a-vis ecommerce and not on concurrent ecommerce theories. This is also because majority of ecommerce theories are offspring of the theories on economics. Moreover, ecommerce theories may be relevant to the subject matter but are not directly connected to the topic such that answers to the research questions as aforementioned were more founded by basic economic theories rather than the specialized ecommerce theories on web-hosting and online selling.
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