Friday, December 27, 2019
Cold War - 1152 Words
In the 1990’s, the Vietnamese had a lot of conflict. America, the Soviet Union, and Vietnam were the three main countries involved in this conflict. This conflict was a built from a cold war perspective. This war created many effects on the world; some were good others were bad. It was mainly between the 2 major powers, the United States, and the Soviet Union. The conflict started during the Cold War, where the two countries were being aggravated by each others ever expanding powers. The United States had enough of this when the Soviet Union sought to expand its communist government system. North Vietnam was on the communist side whilst South Vietnam was supported by countries that were against communism. The Soviet Union already had many†¦show more content†¦They thought that the soldiers were ordered to murder innocent people. The end of this war and the cold war demolished imperialism. Many people started distrusting their government and friends. The loss of the U .S. in the Vietnam War contributed to a big change in its military and government system (Bibliography, 6). On the other hand the Soviet Union gained confidence because of their big win in this small war. The Vietnam War was a turning point at which it help’s the communism takeover. After winning the war in Vietnam, the Soviet Union tried to take over Afghanistan. In conclusion, this resulted in a failure, which led the communist system to collapse and force the Soviet Union to fall deep in debt. The cold war had a major effect on the U.S. and the Soviet Union. First of all, let’s start with the effects on the United States. Their government suffered a lot due to the media. When someone received information from the Pentagon, they spread out the information to media. After getting the information, the media printed that out and passed it out to everyone. The papers had top secret government only information that talked about how their next attack. Furthermore, the U.S. government was forced to be changed by the people. They changed their military and government by adding new policies. That resulted in a major government change in the United States. The Soviets on the other hand took advantage of this halt. They sought to spread outShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The Cold War Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesOne major war ended and another to begin. The Cold war lasted about 45 years. There were no direct military campaigns between the United States and Soviet Union. However, billions of dollars and millions of lives were lost. The United States emerged as the greatest power from World War 2. (Give Me Liberty 896) The country boasted about having the most powerful navy and air force. The United states accounted for about half of the world’s manufacturing capacity, which it alone created the atomic bombRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War757 Words  | 4 PagesAs tensions continued to augment profoundly throughout the latter half of the Cold War period, they brought forth a movement from a previous bipolar conflicting course, to one of a more multipolar nature. These tensions were now not only restricted to the Soviet Union and United states, but amongst multiple other nations of the globe. It became a general consensus that a notion of ‘peace’ was sought globally, hence, the emergence of dà ©tente. The nature of this idea in the short term conveyed itselfRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1123 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cold War consist of tensions between the Soviets and the U.S. vying for dominance, and expansion throughout the world. Their complete different ideologies and vision of the postwar prevented them from working together. Stalin wants to punish Germany and make them pay outrageous sum of money for reparation. However, Truman has a different plan than Stalin. Truman believes that industrialization and democracy in Germany and throughout the world would ensure postwar stability. Stalin also wantedRead MoreThe Cold War1676 Words  | 7 PagesHistorical Context: The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by the two world superpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West - namely: the United States of America, Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was that Germany would be dividedRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War2020 Words  | 9 Pages How Did America, With the Help Of Ronald Reagan, Win The Cold War? The Cold War was a â€Å"competition†between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, occurring from approximately 1945 through 1991. The Cold War received its name because it did not evolve into armed warfare or physical conflict. The 46-year-long war began immediately after the conclusion of World War II. Some believe it was Joseph Stalin who started it by saying, â€Å"He hated westerners in the same way as Hitler hated JewsRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War2020 Words  | 9 Pages How Did America, With the Help Of Ronald Reagan, Win The Cold War? The Cold War was a â€Å"competition†between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, occurring from approximately 1945 through 1991. The Cold War received its name because it did not evolve into armed warfare or physical conflict. The 46-year-long war began immediately after the conclusion of World War II. Some believe it was Joseph Stalin who started it by saying, â€Å"He hated westerners in the same way as Hitler hated JewsRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1253 Words  | 6 PagesFor almost 15 years the U.S. has been in a constant state of war. Various terrorist organizations, from al-Quade, to the Taliban, and now Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have maintained our focus so much so that we have almost forgotten about prior threats. Ten years prior to the start of the conflict in the Middle East, the Cold War had officially concluded, ending almost 45 years of server political and military tensions between the U.S. and Russian following WWII. During thi s period ofRead MoreThe Cold War1537 Words  | 7 Pagesseem and that every mental event in life its self can be perceived and interpreted many ways which are all true for each of the participants but not as a truth for all. This fed the cold war paranoia that even your next-door neighbor would be a communist. With the impending insanity of the M.A.D. policies of the cold war cultivated a nationwide paranoia that was brought out in many films like Dr. Strange-Love. In 1967 Theodore J. Flicker wrote and produced The President s Analyst which presents theRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War2250 Words  | 9 PagesDuring the year 1945, there were quite a few reasons for the start of the Cold War. Hysteria was one of the major catalysts towards the start of the Cold War. Many American citizens shared the extensive fear of communist attacks against America, while the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) feared the same from the Americans. Another reason being that the United Stat es wouldn’t share their advances in the study of nuclear fission due to the USSR’s aim of spreading world communism. The USSRRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet War911 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War began at the resolution of WWII and continued into the 1990’s. The Cold War was fueled by many factors such as ideological differences, mutual mistrust, America’s fear of the spread of communism, and nuclear weapons. The war ultimately resulted in the collapse of communism. The war was supported by allied nations although the main instigators of the war were Russia and the United States. A major short term factor that lead to the Cold War was USSR’s fear of America’s newly acquired
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Terrorist Attacks of 9/11 - 591 Words
The tragic events of September 11, 2001 highlighted the vulnerability to terrorist attacks. The importance of critical infrastructures to the government, people, and organization can be dependent on the vulnerability towards a national disasters, manmade hazards, and terrorist attack. Contemporary standard of what constitutes critical infrastructures has evolved as a wide array of threats has increased in modern times. Critical infrastructures represent aspects of the economy that makes the nation function as a whole and protecting America’s critical infrastructures and key assets presents an enormous challenge to the Department of Homeland Security. Understanding Critical Infrastructures Key Resources (CIKR) Critical infrastructures are interdependent on other infrastructures and if one fails the other will also (Kamien, 2012). For example, transportation is an infrastructure that has a significant linkage between resources and facilities. The Department of Homeland Security states â€Å"The nations transportation system quickly, safely, and securely moves people and goods through the country and overseas.†How is transportation critical? A highway/bridge can provide emergency transportation access to a hospital. Should the bridge collapse, resources are not being reached to the hospital. The protection of our critical infrastructures is a shared responsibility of state, local, and federal governments. However, not all infrastructures are critical. An example of aShow MoreRelatedThe Terrorist Attack on 9/11641 Words  | 3 PagesThe terrorist attack on September 9, 2001, known as 9/11, was the most devastating terrorist attack to date, due to the high death toll, the suspected secondary explosion found in the Twin Towers, and the explosion at the Pentagon. In order to learn about the 9/11 Terrorist Attack, one must learn more about what happened. On September 9, 2001, at 7:59 am, The American Airlines Flight 11 took off from Boston Logan Airport with 92 people onboard. At 8:14 am, the United Airlines Flight 175 took offRead MoreThe Terrorist Attack 9 / 11 Essay1668 Words  | 7 PagesMultiple groups and civilians have responded to the terrorist attack 9/11 in different ways, having different viewpoints, values, and ideologies. George W.Bush who was the President of the United States of America at the time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks was against what occurred. George W.Bush talks about the incident as being a monumental day in our nations history, and how he went from being a â€Å"President primarily focused on domestic issues to a war time President†, something he never anticipatedRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks On 9 / 112048 Words  | 9 PagesAbstract The terrorist attacks on 9/11 made a great impact on our nation both economically and psychologically. This paper reviews the findings of some of the research that has been done since this tragic event. A big topic is the initial response our government had after the attack. This includes local, state and federal government. Many new emergency response protocols have been put in place based on the rescue efforts that took place that day. It took the lives of many for our country to understandRead MoreThe 9 / 11 Terrorist Attack891 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The 9/11 terrorist attack is known as the worst in American History. A normal day on September 11th, 2001, nineteen terrorist from the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda prepared to hijack four planes. Two planes were flown into New York City hitting the towers of the World Trade Center. A third plane flew just right outside of Washington, D.C hitting the Pentagon. The last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. All attackers got on to the planes safely and were prepared to takeRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks Of 9 / 111645 Words  | 7 PagesSince the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the United States (US) government has focused on terrorism as the biggest threat to stability and national security in the homeland. There have been controversial laws enacted which tested an individual’s Constitutional rights versus the security of the country as a whole, military engagements in foreign countries designed to stop terrorism overseas before reaching the homeland, and a number of la w enforcement and government initiatives implemented to identifyRead MoreThe 9 / 11 Terrorist Attacks1816 Words  | 8 Pagesthere is so much to choose from. One of the most recent and most tragic events in American history were the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Hundreds of lives were lost, leading to extreme reformation of the United States surveillance and homeland security systems. The 9/11 terrorist attack was an important event in America’s history that has had lasting effects on American society. On September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked by 19 Arab Islamist extremists and used as weapons of mass destruction. TheRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks On 9 / 11 Essay1913 Words  | 8 PagesInstitution: Thesis Statement Since the terrorist attacks on 9/11, America has been on edge about the topic of terrorism. Groups like Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, and now more recently, ISIS, has kept the world cautious of their every next move. Looking more closely into how these groups are formed and operate could help us better understand how they can be stopped. Studying the history of terrorist organizations can help us better predict the future of terrorist organizations. Introduction TerrorismRead MoreThe Terrorist Attack Of 9 / 11 Essay2059 Words  | 9 PagesThe terrorist attack of 9/11 is one of the most devastating tragedies in the history of U.S. On the one hand, it filled American’s heart with an invariable amount of terror, but at the same time Arab Americans and Muslims were prejudicially challenged and discriminated at economic, social, and educational level. Up to a certain extent, America is a racially prejudiced country but that is just not limited to Arab American society. It includes Blacks, Italians, and Chinese with the addition of thoseRead MoreThe Roots of the Terrorist Attacks of 9/111175 Words  | 5 Pagesthe 9/11 terrorist attacks are rooted deeper than most Americans realize. The trail of historical events that led to this catastrophe are widely unknown. Many Americans believe that the war on terror began with the tragedy of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and ended with the death of Osama Bin Laden, but in reality, the war on terror has a long and complicated history. This paper will explore the historical events that culminated in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001Read MoreThe Terrorist Attacks And The Aftermath Of 9 / 111037 Words  | 5 PagesTo inform my audience of the four different terrorist attacks and the aftermath of 9/11. Central Idea: On September 11, 2001 the U.S was attacked by a series of four terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda in New York City, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Introduction â€Å"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended.†This is a well known quote said by former U.S president, George W. Bush right after the 9/11 attacks and would soon be heard all around the world
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Accounting Current Issues in the Accounting Theory
Question: Write about theAccountingfor Current Issues in the Accounting Theory. Answer: Introduction: The fundamental research theme is to assess the parts, applications and significance of positive accounting theory with regards to research program to make causal clarifications of human conduct in the setting of bookkeeping. In the review, the primary contentions introduced by the authors propose that, today, it is more huge and fundamental for every one of the organizations to adequately and suitably utilize the applications and ideas of PAT (positive accounting theory) to upgrade authoritative execution and efficiency as well as increase upper hands and contend in the dynamic business condition. PAT is likewise considered by the organizations as creative devices to bring development at the working environment. PAT has more extensive degree that gives an unmistakable and vital course in understanding the human conduct in setting of bookkeeping tenets, principals, standard and approaches. In addition, this theory is likewise gives approaches to organizations about how to achieve cor porate objectives by augmenting association's efficiency and gainfulness. Besides, the principle reason for the review is to get to the parts and utilizations of positive way to deal with accounting theory. In addition, the point of the review is to break down and assess the ideas of positive accounting research as a noteworthy piece of more extensive scholarly venture of logical research which intend to perceive the circumstances and end results connections. At long last, this examination study is arranged in various key parts including, presentation, and outline of article, research inquiries, essentialness and impediment of article and conclusion. Article Summary/Overview: The positive accounting has more extensive degree utilized as a part of research projects to comprehend the human conduct in the setting of bookkeeping. The examination article compress that, today a large portion of organizations are utilizing the applications and principals of positive accounting hypothesis in their associations to foresee real bookkeeping hones (Wolk, 2008). This helps them in accomplishing monetary and money related targets adequately. Additionally, it can likewise be outlined that, through the viable usage of positive accounting, business firms can assess and comprehend the occasions inside their accounting exchanges (Godfrey, Hodgson, Tarca, Hamilton, Holmes, 2010). The review is likewise compresses the hugeness of positive accounting in enormous feeling of research projects. For case, by utilizing positive hypothesis, human conduct can be adequately comprehends in setting of accounting. The positive accounting exploration is a branch of positive accounting th at utilized as a part of scholarly venture of logical research by the organizations with a specific end goal to create understanding about the cause and impact relations (Wilson, 2015). Besides, it can likewise be abridge that, in utilizing of positive accounting research; an extensive variety of inadequacies could be confronted by the organization. Be that as it may, it is additionally offer a ton of advantages to the client organization. For case, when an organization embrace more extensive scholarly venture, it might confront a few issues with respect to venture's ontological and epistemological presumptions (Dunmore, 2009). The examination article unmistakably expressed that, the real reason for the positive accounting can be distinctive and startling, on the off chance that it is not done well and set up. It shows the connection and relationship among the positive bookkeeping and positive bookkeeping research. Consequently, it is imperative to utilize positive accounting proper ly, and successfully with a specific end goal to direct the positive bookkeeping examination to get coveted results (Smith, 2014). Also, the positive accounting exploration ought to be utilized by the business firms as a worldview with a specific end goal to comprehend bookkeeping, inspecting, business and accounting related issues at the pre-decided day and age. For instance, positive accounting research as worldview would permit the bookkeepers and budgetary chiefs of the organization to defeat different issues (Dennis, 2015). There are a various hypothetical and viable/numerical techniques are utilized by the researcher in the review so as to comprehend the estimation of positive bookkeeping hypothesis and research in the business. For example, both positive accounting examination and hypothesis are essential apparatus for the today's organizations. It is on the grounds that these enable the organizations and firms to get to genuine and genuine suppositions about this present reality occasions (Mckibbin, 2005). Besides, accounting has distinctive wonder that are resourced by the procedure of adjusted self-enthusiasm between the general populations those facilitate through the express/inferred assertion in the different organizations. Besides, the accounting exploration is described with the distinctive areas of positive research that couldn't be delineated obviously on the hypothetical model (Henderson, Peirson, Herbohn, Howieson, 2015). The positive research is a great deal more important, valuable, and huge by contrasting it with positive hypothesis of bookkeeping because of positive bookkeeping research enables an organization to direct unique research projects to enhance the benefit, profitability, and work execution in a successful and legitimate way. Besides, an extensive variety of contrasts and similitude can be found among the positive research and positive accounting (Dunmore, 2009). It is likewise gotten to that, positive accounting research considers different supposition in comprehension of human conduct in bookkeeping setting. Positive accounting research manages different research wordings including epistemology and metaphysics had clarified by the writer with a specific end goal to achieve the substantial conclusion or results (Jones, 2015). Ultimately, it is outlined that, for the reason to adequately and legitimately direct the review, different hypothetical models are utilized. Additionally, different phrasings are examined as to the positive bookkeeping examinat ion and hypothesis, for example, necessity of good estimation and information chronicles (Dennis, 2015). Addressing of Research Question: In the context of this research study, to effectively attain the key objectives and aims of the study, the following key research questions are addressed. What are the major implications and applications of positive accounting theory and how this theory is related to the accounting research? (Neelan, 2007). What are the fundamental advantages of using positive accounting research and what types of deficiencies are faced by business firms in using positive accounting theory? What is the relation of PAT with the accounting research program? How to perform research programs in accounting and its roles and key purposes? How the intellectual project of scientific research is linked with the positive accounting research? (Mintz, 2013). What are the key areas of positive accounting research accounting research? Hence, all these research questions will be addressed in order to attain the key goals and objectives of the study effectively. Theoretical Framework Used In Research Article: Essentially, this exploration study is portrayed with the suitable and powerful theoretical framework related with the bookkeeping, evaluating, and back that could be utilized as a part of the genuine business to enhance general profitability and accomplish long haul money related targets. The review is likewise gives hypothetical data about the positive accounting theory and research that can be effectively comprehended by the peruser to lead additionally examine (Rao, 2006). Besides, the examination utilizes different hypothetical application and ideas as to bookkeeping, accounting, inspecting, bookkeeping hypotheses and so forth. The review is additionally offer more extensive degree for the further research and recommends how the positive bookkeeping hypothesis is connected with the positive research in bookkeeping and how to get to human conduct in setting of bookkeeping. The review is not just valuable and essential for the perusers, organizations and understudies in understand ing the hypothetical ideas of bookkeeping additionally understanding the more extensive territory of positive bookkeeping research in business (Ronen Yaari, 2008). In the meantime, the accounting ideas with respect to epistemology, metaphysics, positive accounting research, positive bookkeeping hypothesis, scholarly venture of logical research, bookkeeping research programs, inadequacies and advantages of positive bookkeeping hypothesis and research has been clarified and characterized by the exploration to satisfy the points, goals and motivation behind the review (Godfrey, Hodgson, Tarca, Hamilton, Holmes, 2010). Significance and Limitations: The primary centrality of study is that, both numerical and hypothetical strategies are utilized by the researcher with a specific end goal to build up a reasonable comprehension about the positive bookkeeping hypothesis and research. The specialist had characterized and clarified every last foremost, ideas of positive bookkeeping exploration and hypothesis. Similarly, this review is gives profundity data about the exploration subject (Godfrey, Hodgson, Tarca, Hamilton, Holmes, 2010). Besides, the review is directed adequately by the specialist by utilizing different technique for bookkeeping. Conversely, the key impediment of the review is that, the analyst had utilized more confused numerical models to speak to the review and achieve the exploration objectives. Thus, the strategies utilized by the analyst are more unpredictable and confounding to get it (Henderson, Peirson, Herbohn, Howieson, 2015). Additionally, the scientist had not legitimately centered on achieving the key ob jectives of the review; he/she had concentrated just on depicting the examination theme. Also, the review obviously shows need utilization of essential information accumulation strategy. For example, in the review essential strategy is disregarded by utilizing auxiliary wellspring of data. The review is additionally mirrors that there are no exploration inquiries, goals, and points distinguished. Henceforth, there is no connection among the examination targets and research subject (Ashton, 2013). In the same way, this research study is not only have limitations but also characterized with the various features. Conclusion: It is reasoned that, positive accounting examination is a noteworthy region of positive bookkeeping hypothesis that has more extensive degree and utilized as a part of scholarly venture by the business firms to achieve their money related and monetary goals. Positive bookkeeping research program gives particular and inventive business chances to the organizations to get to their genuine and real accounting exchanges viably. At long last, it can be inferred that, organizations ought to concentrate on positive bookkeeping exploration, projects and hypotheses with a specific end goal to accomplish their key targets successfully. Moreover, it can be said that, positive accounting theory is provides various opportunities to the business firms in order to overcome and deal with the several accounting and auditing related issues. For case, it improves productivity and brings innovation within the various functions and tasks related to the accounting. Moreover, accounting research can also b e conducted to understand the real events within the accounting transactions and policies. Overall, it can be concluded that, business firms must focus on using the applications of positive accounting theory and research to perform a wide range of accounting and financial functions at the workplace. References: Ashton, R.H. (2013). The Evolution of Behavioral Accounting Research (RLE Accounting): An Overview. UK: Routledge. Dennis, I. (2015). Auditing Theory. UK: Routledge. Dunmore, P.V. (2009). Retrieved From: Godfrey, J., Hodgson, A., Tarca, A., Hamilton, J., Holmes, S. (2010). Accounting Theory. USA: Wiley. Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K. Howieson, B. (2015). Issues in Financial Accounting. USA: Pearson Higher Education AU. Jones, S. (2015). The Routledge Companion to Financial Accounting Theory. USA: Routledge. Mckibbin, W. (2005). Isoquantal Capital Modulation: A Harmonic Modeling Approach to Understanding and Managing the Investment Decision. USA: Universal-Publishers. Mintz, S. (2013). Accounting for the Public Interest: Perspectives on Accountability, Professionalism and Role in Society. USA: Springer Science Business Media, 2013 Neelan, M.H. (2007). Focus on Finance and Accounting Research. USA: Nova Publishers. Rao, P.M. (2006). Accounting Theory and Standards. USA: Deep and Deep Publications. Ronen, J., Yaari, V. (2008). Earnings Management: Emerging Insights in Theory, Practice, and Research. USA: Springer Science Business Media. Smith, M. (2014). Research Methods in Accounting. USA: SAGE. Wilson, R.M.S. (2015). Accounting Education Research: Prize-winning Contributions. UK: Routledge. Wolk, H.I. (2008). Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment. USA: SAGE.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Oiled Paper Umbrella
Abstract Umbrellas have evolved throughout the history of ancient China, Egypt, and the Middle East. Oiled paper umbrella is a type of umbrella that emanated from China during the ancient times and has evolved and dominated the world due to its unique features.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Oiled Paper Umbrella specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The unique features of oiled paper umbrella include smooth bamboo handle, waterproof shade, light paper, and colorful collections. A study, carried out in colleges, confirmed that students prefer oiled paper umbrella as compared to other umbrellas, thus designers and entrepreneurs should target students and entire youth as potential customers of oiled paper umbrellas. Introduction The oiled paper umbrella is a special umbrella that emanated from China during the ancient times but has currently gained international recognition that, it is virtually present in all countries. Johnson argues that, versatility of oiled paper umbrella to various occasions and functions has made it gain international significance as compared to the ordinary umbrellas (8). This implies that, oiled paper umbrella has unique appeal to diverse cultures across the world due to its unique design and variable colors. Since the oiled paper umbrella has dominated the world, this project seeks to establish the unique features that are inherent in the umbrella design that make it appeal to so many people across the world. Review of the Literature As aforementioned, the oiled paper umbrella is unique umbrella that Chinese invented during the ancient times. The Chinese made the oiled umbrella using bamboo, wax, paper, and various colors that give different tastes. Royal families and emperors used red and yellow colors with special designs while ordinary people used blue or other colored umbrellas. According to Smith, oiled umbrellas serve several purposes in the Chinese cu lture in that they do not only provide shade against rain and sunshine, but also as act as artifacts of decorations in weddings and prevention of evil spirits in religious ceremonies (1). In addition, other people across the world use the oiled paper umbrella as gifts to their loved ones and souvenirs of the Chinese culture. Despite the fact that the oiled paper umbrella originated from China, it has spread across the world, because its unique design and multiple colors appeal to many people.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Methodology To establish unique features that are inherent in the oiled paper umbrella, a study was carried out in a college. The survey targeted 200 college-going students and ensured that there was gender balance to enhance the credibility of the research findings. According to Walter, the appealing features of the oiled paper umbrella include oil t hat repels water, smooth bamboo handle, and colorful designs (8). Therefore, the study hypothesized that students would cite these unique features as inherent components of the oiled paper umbrellas that have made it dominate the world’s markets with much value. In the study, the researchers interviewed 200 participants to state the umbrella they like and name its unique features. The researchers displayed four types of umbrellas with five sets, each having different colors. The study collected numerical data in terms of points. When each participant selected the desired umbrella, it was a point; moreover, every named unique feature was a point too. Expected Results The study expected that, since the oiled paper umbrella has more unique features as compared to the ordinary umbrellas, it would score more points. Edwards asserts that, artifacts that have many attractive features are more appealing than those with minimal features are (13). Hence, smooth bamboo, waterproof shade , light paper, colorful collections, and unique design of the oiled paper umbrella are many attributes that made it score more points in the survey. Comparatively, the ordinary umbrellas only have good design features and exist in colorful collections; however, they do not have bamboo and paper components plus waterproof shade. Therefore, the research findings are relevant to both designers and entrepreneurs since they give an idea about students’ preferences and tastes concerning umbrellas. Designers will employ these findings in designing customized umbrellas that target students and by extension youths, as a generalization of the findings. Moreover, entrepreneurs will employ these findings in targeting youths as potential customers of the oiled paper umbrellas. Research Project Timetable The researchers carried out the study on a weekend viz. Saturday and Sunday, between 9am and 4pm, because most of the students are free and have ample time for interviews. Between 9am and 4pm, researchers visited students at various places within the college: in hostels, classes, and field or entertainment centers. The objective of the study was to interview 200 participants, 100 males and 100 female students, in consideration of gender perception of umbrella features.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Oiled Paper Umbrella specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Resources Required The study required resources such as the interviewers who carried out the study during the two days and analyzed the data. The interviewers used questionnaires and stationery as recourses when collecting required information from participants. Other resources that were critical include samples of four types of umbrellas each having five sets of different colors. Conclusion Invention of umbrellas began a long time ago, about 4000 years, in various parts of the world such as China, Assyria, and Egypt. Bellis explains that, the ancient umbrellas functioned as shade against sun and rain, but they have evolved with time in that, they currently function as beauty artifacts in weddings, souvenirs, and gifts (5). Due to its unique and attractive features, the oiled paper umbrella has gained international recognition because international designers and fashion industries are reproducing it across the world. Currently, in Europe and the United States, the oiled paper umbrellas cost between 10 to 100 dollars, depending on quality and design of the umbrella. The study carried in a college proved that students preferred the oiled umbrella to the ordinary umbrellas. Thus, research findings are relevant to both designers and entrepreneurs of umbrellas, for they provide probable tastes and preferences of students. Works Cited Bellis, Mary. â€Å"Who Invented the Umbrella?†Invention History Database, 2011: 1-7. Edwards, Cain. â€Å"Arts and Design of Artifacts.†European Fashions and Designs, 20 10. Johnson, Kenneth. â€Å"Evolution of Oiled Paper Umbrellas.†Chinese Exhibitions, 2010: 1-4 Smith, James. â€Å"Oiled-Paper Umbrella.†Inventions of the Chinese, 2009: 1-3.Advertising Looking for research paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Walter, Paul. â€Å"Chinese Oiled Umbrella.†International Arts and Exhibitions, 2008: 1-13. This research paper on The Oiled Paper Umbrella was written and submitted by user Vicente Padilla to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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